Gemma Eves

Gemma eves

Gemma Eves is from Australia, she has lived in the United Kingdom for 17 years. A highly skilled massage therapist with over 20 years of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people, Gemma has specialized in massaging individuals with neurological injuries and conditions, and has made a name for herself through her multi award-winning company, Neuro Massage.

Gemma has dedicated her career to improving the lives of those with neurological conditions, and has a deep understanding of the impact these injuries can have on a person’s life. Through her knowledge and experience, she has been able to provide targeted and effective massages to help her clients manage their conditions and improve their overall quality of life.

Her dedication to the field has not gone unnoticed, and Gemma’s company, Neuro Massage, has received numerous awards and recognition for her exceptional work.

But Gemma’s mission doesn’t end there. With a desire to pass on her knowledge and skills, she is now starting a massage school to teach others the same techniques she has honed over the years. Gemma’s school will provide a comprehensive education in massaging individuals with neurological conditions, equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to make a positive impact on others’ lives.

Gemma’s passion, expertise, and unwavering dedication to her field make her an invaluable resource to both her clients and her students.